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Special Reports
State of the BAM Movement Report
Lausanne Occasional Paper on BAM
Lausanne BAM Manifesto
Wealth Creation Manifesto
Wealth Creation Manifesto with Bible References
Wealth Creation and the Poor
Role of the Church in Wealth Creation
Wealth Creation within Global Cultural Perspectives
Wealth Creation: Biblical Views and Perspectives
Wealth Creation and the Stewardship of Creation
Wealth Creators’ Contribution to Holistic Transformation
Wealth Creation and Justice
Issue Reports
Biblical Foundations for BAM
BAM and the End of Poverty
BAM and Human Trafficking
BAM Franchising
BAM in Hostile Environments
BAM and Church Planting
Measuring BAM Impact
BAM Scholarship and Research
BAM Funding
BAM Incubation
BAM Recruiting, Training and Deployment
BAM Advocacy and Mobilisation
BAM and Creation Care Part 1
BAM and Creation Care Part 2
BAM and Creation Care Part 3
BAM and Creation Care Part 4
BAM and the Church
BAM and Mission Agencies
More BAM Articles & Papers
Regional Reports
BAM in Mongolia
BAM In and From the Nordic Region
BAM in Iran
BAM in Haiti
BAM in Singapore
BAM Resource Library
BAM Global Reports
Partner Networks
The BAM Review
BAM Global Think Tank
BAM Practitioner Care & Well-being Consultation
BAM Thesis Repository
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BAM SA – Business as Mission Southern Africa
A network to connect / communicate / collaborate and catalyse all things BAM in Southern Africa.
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